Corporate Speech Training

Accent Reduction, Voice & Speech Improvement & Communication Skills Training for Executives

Brian partners with human resources professionals and managers at a number of companies to help their executives, partners, and employees become better communicators. He works with them on a range of issues from voice and speech, accent, and language barriers to interacting smoothly with colleagues and clients in phone conversations and meetings.

Many executives and employees are outstanding at what they do and excellent in many other ways but have trouble expressing themselves or being understood. Others may need to polish their communication skills in order to be promoted to positions of greater responsibility or to present well to important clients or upper management.

In addition to personal coaching and small group training sessions, Brian also offers customized one- and two-day seminars on relevant communication topics. These are not “off-the-shelf” programs but are tailored to meet the specific needs of your firm and address specific concerns with your employees.

Business communication skills training topics have included:

  • How to Sound More Professional on the Phone
  • Listening: The Other Side of Communication
  • How to Give Outstanding Presentations
  • Remembering and Using People’s Names
  • How to Resolve Conflicts in the Work Place

For more than 30 years Brian has helped companies achieve greater success in finance, accounting, insurance, law, consulting, medicine, pharmaceuticals, research, and the performing arts, as well as in hospitals, universities, and non-profits organizations.

Would better communication skills make your organization more successful? Contact Brian today for a free consultation to find out how he can help.

I just wanted to share with you a good piece of news. They passed me in the program for promotion. I just wanted to thank you again for your help. They were really impressed by how I worked with you to get these results."

S.M., Financial Analyst

Thank you, Brian. You received rave reviews from our attorneys."

M. S. (Senior H-R Manager, Law Firm)